Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Blog #07 Modern Art

So as the group discussed Modern Art, it was also related to the period of our topic, Renaissance. Also related to the Baroque period. The motion, drama, and feelings of every paintings.

The modernization start in this period, from the word Modern Art. Modern artists have established a style of painting that is very unique and fresh to them. We could say, their depiction of how they see life and the world around them comes through their art in a very diverse and mixed form. They have a direct bond between their eyes and hands enabling them to portray emotions or the truth as they see it. Coupled with philosophy and inner vision, modern artists could be seen as messengers using abstraction for communicating hidden meanings of life.

Modern art complexes the way we interact and see art because it keeps our mind in the unknown. There are very many meanings associated to different paintings throughout history and some may contain truths or messages. This would probably give us clues about the journey the artist went through when creating the work and meanings would remain embedded within.

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